Kazimierz — a pronunciation guide

Kazimierz in Arknights is based on Poland and various events and characters use Polish words. Some of them can be hard to figure out the pronunciation of, so here's a guide from a native speaker.
Category Word Pronunciation
character Arleta Ar-letah
character Czarny Char-nyh
character Ela Eh-la
character Gałązka Gah–won–ska
character Greynuty Grey-nu-te
character Iwona Ee-voh-na
character Justyna Yus-tyh-nah
character Józef Ioo-zef
character Kowal Koh-val
character Kowalski Koh-valsky
character Krukowska Kroo-kov-ska
character Maciej Mah-tsiey
character Malkiewicz Mal-kye-vich
character Maria Mar-yah
character Miłosz Mih-uosh
character Młynar Mwe-narh
character Szczepan Shche-pan
character Szewczyk Shev-chyck
character Tytus Topola Tyh-toos Toh-poh-lah
character Zofia Zoh-fya
group Mieszko Miesh-co
group Sprawiedliwi Sprah-vye-dlee-vee
group Słoma Swo-mah
other Grzmot G'shmot
other Gówno Gooh-vno
other Idziemy Ee-dzie-myh
other Kurde Koor-deh
other Liść ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
other Nightzmora Night-zmoh-ra
other Spadaj Spa-dai
other Ułan Uh–wan
other W dali V dah-li
place Kawalerielki Ka-va-lehr-yel-ki
place Kazimierz Kah-zhee-myesh
place Krysztauowa Kryh-shta-uoh-vah
place Ognisko Oh-gnee-skoh


Added words from Operation Lucent Arrowhead:

Miłosz, Kowalski, Ela, Gówno, Krysztauowa, Arleta, Szczepan, Idziemy

Icon SVGs are now being reused, which should make the page work even faster

Added Grzmot

Added w dali

Added Ognisko

Added spadaj, Nightzmora, Józef

Added kurde

Added search function

Added Krukowska

Added Iwona

Added relevant Wikipedia links

Added Greynuty

Added Ko-Fi link, because why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Added definitions

Recorded some voiceover to make it easier to figure out how to spell the


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